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Third Issue of The Sirens Call

I might be a little late on this, but being late is so much better than never letting you know what you’re missing out on!

At the end of June, we released the third issue of our literary eZine The Sirens Call! Our theme was ‘Obscure Ink’ and what that meant, was entirely up to interpretation…

Featuring the literary talents of Adam Millard, Don McNevin, Ken MacGregor, Ryan Kelly, Maggie Doonan, C.M. Saunders, Carola Kickers, Candy Schibli, L.E. White, Lisa Flanyak, Sarah Cass, J.R. Bingham, Spyder Collins along with Nina D’Arcangela and myself (Kalla Monahan).

It also features an in-depth interview with Jason McKinney, author extraordinaire!

Add to mix, photography by Dark Angel Photography and artwork by Steve Cartwright and this is an issue you don’t want to miss!!

If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, you can buy each issue separately for the low cost of $1.99. If you’re in the market for a literary offering every other month, why not purchase a subscription for $6!

You can find out more information on where to get The Sirens Call here.

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